As a young kid learning the game of golf, my dad always used to take me to the local par 3 course down the road. My brother and I would play a couple holes, but mostly just hit the ball in the water so we could use the ball retriever to get them out. My dad showed me this game at a very young age, and I loved going out with him and I don’t know how he put up with two rascals running around a golf course, but he did and I couldn’t be more thankful. As a kid I always wondered how he could sit in front of a TV and watch grown men hit a little ball around a park, and now I can’t get enough of Masters week. As I got into high school I started playing regularly with my buddies at the same par 3 course. This is where my love for the game started. I went to the course not expecting to shoot a low score, but to walk the course with my buddies and reminisce. Occasionally low scores were shot and playoff holes were needed but what more can I ask for on a sunny day in the Pacific Northwest? These small family owned golf courses made me the golfer I am today. It’s not about where you play golf but how you play it. Enjoying the simplicity of the game and the people you share it with is what I appreciate about golf. Whether it’s going to the country club with someone with an “in” or playing the old par 3 with a buddy while talking about old times. This game is meant to be enjoyed and I’m blessed to be able to enjoy it.
The Local Par 3
Updated: Oct 16, 2020